
October 31, 2010

Sleepy Hollow

Happy Halloween! I hope you all have some fun plans! Last night me & my hubby dressed up as vampires and my little one was a cute little pumpkin, we had a great time with friends! Our vampire makeup was kinda crazy..we felt like the biggest dorks at first, but everyone liked it! :) I can't wait to see some fun pics everyone has of their Halloween!

So I have my last Halloween card for the year...I'm kinda sad, I was loving making all these spooky cards! This one is kind of a scraplift from an idea book I have. The Sleepy Hollow tag is a sticker I've had in my stash for awhile.

Hope you like it..have a fun day!!

October 29, 2010

It's ~Let's Face it Friday~ at Peachy Keen!

Who's ready for another fun Peachy Keen Challenge?!? I am! :) It's Let's Face it Friday and the theme for this challenge is to create a holiday ORNAMENT with your Peachy Keen faces..any shape, color and size! I love this theme because I got to make something for my favorite holiday-Christmas of course! So I made a cute little snowman family to hang on my tree....

I welded the shadows of the snowmen along with the joy banner together for the base. The snowmen are from Doodlecharms and the Joy banner is from Christmas Cheer. I even spritz the entire thing with some pearl glimmer mist, which looks so cool in person, but it's really hard to can barely see it. :( ..but besides that I love the end result of my little snow family!
For the faces on the snowMAN and snowMOM ((hehe..I just made up a I used the PK Winter face assortment and for the snowBABY I used newest PK faces the PK Snow Cuties face assortment. 

I hope you likey! And if you have some Peachy Keen faces please join us in the challenge, you will have a chance to win some yummy goodies! And check out what the fabulous DT girls did, you will love it!

October 28, 2010

It's almost Halloween!

And I'm sooo happy I got a chance to make a few more Halloween cards! I was having fun whipping these out! lol..I've picked up a lot of goodies here and there when they go on sale and I needed to make something with this stuff before the holiday passing me up...I think I'm at that point were I have to much supplies and not enough time! Any one know what I mean!?! LOL...I know I'm not the only one!...So here's what I have been up to....

For this card I used the PK Lisa Jean Halloween stamp set and the coldren card is from Mini Monsters.

 This was one of my 1st attempts at really coloring in a stamped image. I'm trying to get more practice and get better at it. I just used my regular ol' colored pencils...maybe once I get a little better I will take the plunge (you know..either some Prisma colored pencils or dare I say..Copics!)
 I had to add a lil' bit of glossy glaze to the bubbles too!

 For this card I used a Martha Stewart stamp for the town and embossed it with black powder, the paper is by Cosmo Cricket and I finally bought a label maker and used it for the title.

I love the way this spooky owly card  came out. I got a fun set of Martha Stewart emblishments and this owl was part of the set. All the pieces are glittery. So I cut the tag from Storybook and layered it, did some faux stitching and I also heat embossed the 'BOO' too! :)
I even did some good old fashion paper tearing! :)

Are you all still with me? LOL..I told  you I was having fun making for my last card I used some fun EAD Stickerz the ~Hocus Pocus~ set. This was my1st attempt at paper pleating. I've seen this done before and loved the was kind of tricky for me, but I think I got it down.

Wheew! You made it through! LOL...hope you enjoyed my spooky cards! If I have some more time I will make a few more , I still have lots of goodies to play with! Have a great day! :)

October 27, 2010

Cricut Cardz Challenge ~Thanksgiving Card~

Hi there! Well I thought I was going to be able  to get some more Halloween cards done, but I don't know if that is gonna happen now! Most of my DT work this week is for the other holidays..which I'm really looking forward to. So that brings us to the Cricut Cardz Challenge and this weeks theme is to make a Thanksgiving card using any card feature from any cricut cartridge. I did something I usually don't do and made what I call a 'cheater card' lol..I know it's not really cheating, but when I make the card feature cards I feel like it's cheating just a little lol..I also used yellow as my card base, which I don't think I have ever done and I stamped the 'blessing' border but I wasn't to sure if I liked it or not..what do  you think??

I used the Winter Woodland cartridge for the card...yes I used a Christmas cart for Thanksgiving! :) I've loved that lil' squirrel since the first time I laid eyes on it! lol..So anywho I hope you like my card and I hope you all can join in the challenge! Have a great day!

October 25, 2010

EAD Fun!

Hello everyone! Today is Monday, which brings us to another EAD hop! If you came from the EAD Blog then you are in the right spot! Today I have a fun bday card I made for my nephew who just turned 3! I'm pretty sure he liked it! lol..I used the Monster Birthday Stickerz.
 I kept this more simple since it's a boy card...but I did squeeze in a little bit of doodling along the edges.
I'm hoping to pump out a few more Halloween cards this week, since it's just a few days away keep an eye out for more EAD spookiness! :)

I also want to give our guest DT for this month ~Julie Tucker-Wolek~ a HUGE thank you for joining us! It has been sooo great having you create with us ((and hearing all about your little Brookie...she's soo cute!)) Thank you, thank you!

Ok your next stop is to Julie's blog, have fun and make sure to leave her some love! :)

****Also, there is still a few more days to enter the color challenge..the winner gets a $20 gift certificate to the EAD store and everyone who plays gets 25% off! Click HERE to enter****

October 24, 2010

Venting...and 2 cards..

Hi everyone! Are you enjoying your Sunday? Hopefully you are...I am going to RELAX! It has been such a busy week for me. Yesterday me and my sis Sandra went to a Scrapbook Expo, it has kinda become a little tradition for the two of us now, we've gone for the past 3 years now! But this year it was a different story...we both didn't have babysitters so we had our little ones with us and all I have to say is next year we WILL have babysitters! LOL! Strollers and babies do mix well with hundreds of people squeezing through tiny isles, and it's really hard to focus on getting the best deal when your little one is throwing a tantrum! OMG! never again!! lol .... I was able to find a booth with unbelievable deals on cartridges..I got 3 for only 60 buck! and I was so tempted to get some Copics but I thought I would hold off just a little bit longer..maybe next time! :)

So besides that...I did manage to get two little cards done during the week and I finally have some down time to post them. These are some more sneaks of the new Scrappy Mom's Stamps 'A Pinch and A Dash'.
 I used Create a Critter and PK Extra Large Critter Faces to make this shape card.
 I thought this one was funny...since one of the ice creams has a bite taken out of it! :)
 I used Simply Charmed and PK Everyday Character Face Assortment  for this card.
 Hope you like 'em, thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out what the Scrappy Mom's DT has made with the new stamp set HERE!

October 20, 2010

Another SMS Sneak Peek and a HUGE EAD giveaway!!

Hi there! I hope you all are enjoying your week, it has been sooo gloomy here! There was even flood warnings going off every hour on the tv yesterday! Crazy huh!? But anywho I have some fun cards to share and a HUGE giveaway to tell you all about!
So 1st, here is another super cute Scrappy Mom's Stamps sneak peek at the new set 'A Pinch and A Dash'. I also just got the new Country Life cartridge (thanks to my sis Sandra for talking me into it), and it is very very cute! I don't know why I waited so long for this one!
 I wanted to make this girl tall enough to get a good size Peachy face on her, so I cut her at like 7 inches (this is a tall card-9x4) and I used the Peachy Keen-Blushing Bride Faces.
Love it!

So here is the HUGE giveaway part! :)

EAD Designs is giving away FIVE sets of TRIA markers to five lucky people! You have to check out what these markers can do, I got a chance to play with them and they are very very good quality! The colors are so bright and intense! So for you to have a chance to win just hop over to the She's Crafty video with Jenn, watch it, read the contest details and leave us some love! There are a few different ways to get more than one entry in for a bigger chance to win, so get your butt over there and good luck!! Here's what you can win:

EAD has also released these super new and super cute London Town Stickerz, I couldn't resist making a lil card for you all....

I love the sentiments on these Stickerz. Well that's all for today, make sure you get your entry in for the TRIA giveaway by November 2nd, the winners will be announced on Nov.3rd!! Woohoo! :)

October 19, 2010

Enter if you DARE!! and some

Hi everyone today is Momo's Tuesday Challenge and this week the theme is to make anything BUT a card! I wasn't to sure what to make since all I have been making lately is cards...I had to dust off my brain a little and really think! LOL.. so I decided to make a door sign, you know like the 'do not disturb' type of thingys, but I made my Halloweenish..take a look...
 There's lots of glitter on the words...and the vamp even has some bling on his bowtie! :)

This is the 1st one of these door signs I have made, but I think it came out cute. I might even make one for my daughter's room soon! :)  I cut the sign from the My Community cart, the letters are from Storybook and the vamp and spider w/web are from Mini Monsters. The vamp & spider faces are from the PK Monster Mash Face assort...I hope you all can join in the challenge this week!

Now onto the 'eggs' part of my made another sneaky peeky for you all with the new 'A Pinch and A Dash' set by Scrappy Mom's Stamps, take a peek!...
 You're Eggs-traordinary! Isn't this the cutest!? I'm soo loving these sentiments! I cut that eggy from the Just Because Cards cartridge and the face is from the new Peachy Keen set ~Snow Cuties~
I also added some glossy glaze for some real life egginess! :)

Well that's it for today! You all got a two for one today, with two projects! lol, hope you likey and hope you all have a fantastic day!

October 18, 2010

EAD Hop ~Halloween Card~

Hi there! Today is the EAD Designs Blog Hop, if you came from Emily's blog (at EAD) then you are in the right spot! I have a fun Halloween card  to share with you all, I used the
 Trick or Treat Stickerz by EAD and some fun paper by K&Co.

Isn't that Frankie head too cute!?! Love him! :) :) I love how this came out, the bright Halloween colors make it fun!

We also have some awesome news to share, our amazingly talented DT sisters Emily has opened up a CAFE PRESS store! Where she has turned some of her fun designs into wearables! How cool is that!? She's got a t-shirt that says 'Scrapbooking Geek' with the little EAD stick girl and I am in LOVE! :) You can check it out HERE.

Ok, your next stop on the hop is to our awesome guest DT Julie. Have fun and thanks for stopping by!

October 17, 2010

Who's ready for NEW Scrappy Mom's Stamps!?!

I am!! LOL! yes you read that right, Scrappy Mom's Stamps has just release a brand spankin' new set of stamps! I swear Tammy & Mel are making these cuter and cuter and so hard  to resist every time! The new set is called 'A Pinch and a Dash' and they are the most perfect kitchen/baking/cooking type of sentiments! I love 'em! Here's a sneak peek AND  you can actually start placing orders now!
Aren't these the cutest! The sentiments are so fun!
So, many of you may know that the  Scrappy Mom's Design Team has expanded and now we are a team of 15! The new addition of girls are so talented! This week the entire team will be showcasing the new set, so make sure you keep an eye out for lots of inspiration! And speaking of's a little something I made for you all...

 This saying is one of my favs from this set..'Easy-Peasy, Lemon Squeezy' it's too cute!
Did  you notice I added some diamond glaze on the 'lemon and lemonade' parts?  And for those adorable faces, I used the PK Dolly Dumplins Faces in 1 1/8 in. size. I used the Just Because Cards cartridge for all the cuts, and guess what..the hubs loved this one too! :)

Well that's it for today, I hope you all enjoy your's kinda gloomy here in Cali, I'm hoping to get some crafting done. :)

October 15, 2010

It's ~Let's Face it Friday~ at Peachy Keen!

Happy Friday everyone! I'm so glad the weekend is almost here! I hope you all can stop the by Peachy Keen Challenge Blog today because it's our 3rd Let's Face it Friday's! And the theme this week is Harvest Home Decor, the details are to create a home decor item based on harvest/fall theme. Anything goes, but must include a Peachy Keen stamp face on the project!
I love making my own homemade decoration around the holidays so this was right up my alley! I made a cute sign to hang on my wall or a door, or where ever it looks the cutest and the most people see it! lol :) I used a lot of different cartridges (I will list below) and some cute PK faces.

The way I made this was my welding everything together on my Gypsy and cut it out on chipboard first, then cut all the layers and added all my little details..take a look see!

What do ya'll think? I love the way it came out! I'm actually quite proud of this little creation! lol..I even got a thumbs up from the hubs, so you know that's good! :)

So here is a list of the diff carts used and stamps...

Simply Charmed-scarecrow
Mini Monsters-Pumpkins
Life's a Beach-Title (It's Pumpkin Time)
Walk in my Garden-Pitcher, wheel barrow, wooden signs, garden tool

Peachy Keen Stamps-Rag Doll Faces (parts)
PK-Pumpkin Faces
Scrappy Mom's Stamps-The Charmed Life
I also used:
Twine, eyelets, brads, prima flowers
I hope you all love it, if you have any questions please let me know! 
I hope you all can join in the challenge,
 there is going to be an awesome prize to the winner!
Have a great day! 

October 14, 2010

Fall Color Challenge

Hi there! Wow this week has been flying by! I hope you all are enjoying your day so far. ..
So who's ready for a color challenge!?! Because it's that time of month when EAD makes a special set of Stickerz to go along with the color challenge and this month the colors are sooo pretty...very 'Fall-ish'!
 These are the new Fall/Harvest Stickerz..aren't they pretty!?!

Here is some inspiration for you all...

 Love these colors! Fall is such a pretty time of the year! :)

Here's the Deets:
Create a project using the above color pallette and link it up to the EAD blog by
OCT 28th!
Everyone who plays gets a 25% off coupon!
One lucky winner will get a 20$ Gift Certificate!
Make sure to check out the DT for some inspiration!
Have a great day!
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